Disclaimer:This blog is an assigntment for CMP 272 Summer 2009 to alllow students an opportunity to present a valid argument, generate feedback (pro and con), post responses, and practice moderating skills in a technological environment.

All the reasons to be against human cloning

Human cloning is wrong on all levels. For one reason that is a way to play god. Another reason people should be against it and think it is wrong is because of all the risks human cloning involves.

Is human cloning really worth the trouble?

Human cloning is pretty obvious as to what it is. It is making an exact copy of a persons DNA. Meaning that the clone will look and sound like the person who they were cloned from. Pretty much like making yourself a twin. I recently read an article stating that cloning could replace the death of a child so that the pain of losing that child wouldnt hurt as bad. Honestly though the pain would be stronger in my opinion simply because you can never truley replace the one you lost. So the clone would always be there as a constant reminder that your child is no longer with you. Also a couple more reasons that people should not trust human cloning would be these three main subjects:

- Health risks due to mutation of the gene
- Emotional risks
- Technology abuse

Personally, human cloing should not be fooled with because it is a way for people to play god in some sort of way, Things like human life should not be fooled with in a lab, it should just happen naturally. Also god sends people here for a reason, if everyone was to have a twin then they would be born with one. Human cloning should be banned also because of the fact that more time than not the clone will have some kind of mutation or abnormality. Would people really be willing to go through the emotional drainage this could lead to if things do not go accordingly? While cloning may be good for things such as treating cancers and other disease and organ transplants so that people would not die, there would still be a person that gets killed. So really we would be saving just as many as we would be killing just to get their organs. It may be beneficial to those out there who are ill but do you really think that it is morally right to start a life and take it away for something such as a kidney? Wouldnt that be in a way some kind of murder? If someone murders a person and says they did it because they needed their kidney they would have some sort of punishment for their actions. So why should it be alright for scientists or doctors to do the same with no punishment at all? Also if human clong were to come into action, human clones would not have the same rights as everyone else. Like I said I'm sure if they had the chance they wouldnt want people bringing them to life just so they could kill them whenever the time came convienient to someone else.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

IT's god's job!

If god wanted people to be cloned then he would have made it easy as pie...but guess what it's hard. so no we should not play god and not clone.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I don't know.

Cloning actuall people should not be allowed, but if they could figure out how to clone just an organ; whats wrong with that?


I definently think human cloning is wrong... Like everyone else already mentioned, God has his way on everything. If two of you were supposed to be made, it would of happened when you were in the womb!

Don't Know

I don't know how I feel about Human Cloning. I guess you could say I'm indifferent. I wouldnt want to be cloned so I dont know

not worth it

What ever you might believe in, human cloning is wrong on many levels. Life isnt ours to toy with may it be killing a baby or trying to play god and make life.


Cloning is a controversial topic with society. I personally believe that a person should not be cloned after you. If God wanted two of the same person created he would have done so when you were concieved.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Morally wrong

Cloning, whether human or animal is just plain wrong. Cloning body parts? Where would it stop then?